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Passion Week

We invite you to journey through the Passion Week with us! Each day there are Scripture readings that describe the events in our Lord's life corresponding to that day of the Passion Week.

Also, don't miss out on the corresponding daily devotional videos from Pastor Tom as he highlights key Passion Week events and challenges us to think deeply about the wonderful work of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Passion Week Readings

Follow the link below to enjoy daily Scripture readings beginning on Palm Sunday.

Corresponding daily devotional videos will be available beginning with Monday’s reading.

Passion Week - Daily Devotionals

  1. Monday's Video

    Journey Through the Passion Week

    The Day of Cleansing – Jesus uses a fig tree as an illustration of the hypocrisy of the religion going on in Jerusalem, and then proceeds to cleanse the Temple Mount of the money-making corruption that was there.

  2. Tuesday's Video

    Journey Through the Passion Week

    The Day of Teaching – The religious leaders question Jesus' authority, and so Jesus responds with teaching against them through the telling of three parables and then pronouncing many judgments against the religious leaders, Jerusalem, and all those who reject Him as the rightful King.

  3. Wednesday's Video

    Journey Through the Passion Week

    The Day of Silence – While nothing is recorded of Jesus’ actions on Wednesday, there are related events unfolding. Jesus’ betrayal is arranged between Judas Iscariot and the religious leaders, and is designed to occur with as little exposure as possible.

  4. Thursday's Video

    Journey Through the Passion Week

    The Day of Preparation – The Lord Jesus arranges for and enjoys the Passover meal with His disciples. During and surrounding the meal, He teaches them many things and provides them comfort in anticipation of His departure. He then leads them to Gethsemane for a time of prayer before His betrayal and arrest.

  5. Friday's Video

    Journey Through the Passion Week

    The Day of Sacrifice – In the middle of the night, Jesus is arrested. He is then put through a series of trials: three Jewish, and three Roman. According to the predetermined plan of God, Jesus is crucified at the hands of sinful men. At the time of the Passover sacrifices (~3pm), Jesus died in the place of sinners.

  6. Saturday's Video

    Journey Through the Passion Week

    The Day of Rest – While Jesus’ body lay in the tomb on the Sabbath, His followers mourned His death and His enemies arranged to protect His grave. In so doing, the enemies of God actually provide evidence for the miraculous work to occur the next morning.

  7. Sunday's Video

    Journey Through the Passion Week

    The Day of Resurrection – He is risen! At some point in the morning, the Lord Jesus resurrects from the dead, proving that He had forever conquered sin, death and the grave. Jesus then appears to several of His followers in a variety of contexts, providing an undeniable witness to His resurrected life!
