Current Needs
Awana Volunteers
Opportunities are available for adult and high school youth to volunteer with our Awana clubs on Sunday evening during the school year.
All volunteers must be approved to work with children. To learn more about our child protection policy or to apply to work with children, please visit the child protection page of our website.
If you have questions, contact Julie Speers.
IFC Volunteers
IFC is our ESL (English as a Second Language) ministry at Countryside. We meet on Thursdays from 9:00-10:45 AM and are looking for volunteers who can help with teaching and childcare. Teachers do not need to speak a foreign language, and teacher training is available.
To get involved, contact Barb Packard.
Children's Ministry Volunteers
Our children's ministries offer many opportunities to serve. Whether you can serve all year, or just for a single event, we'd love to find a place where you can use your spiritual gifts to build up the next generation.
All volunteers who work with minors must undergo a background check and commit to our child protection policy.
If you have questions, contact Julie Speers.
Awana is a fun, high-energy club where kids study and memorize Scripture, play team games, and enjoy special activities throughout the school year. Awana clubs celebrate the gospel of Christ, with a particular emphasis on Scripture memorization. Our Awana clubs for kids age 3 – 5th grade meet on Sunday evenings from 5:50–7:30 during the school year.
For information about service opportunities, contact Rick Ramos.
Children's Choirs
Our children’s choirs meet during the school year from 7:00–8:30 pm on the Wednesday night of Home Fellowship weeks, typically twice a month. We emphasize a mix of favorite hymns and choruses, along with fun Scripture songs for Bible memorization. The choirs perform twice a year in the main worship services.
To volunteer with Shouts of Joy (Kindergarten), contact Bethany Rinn.
To volunteer with JoySong (Grades 1–2), contact Kelly Sandifer.
To volunteer with Joyful Sounds (Grades 3–5), contact Kirsten Bigelow.
Children's Sunday School
Adult volunteers can serve full-time or as substitutes in preschool and elementary classes. Resource Room volunteers can help maintain supplies throughout the week and/or serve as part of the Sunday morning resource team.
For additional information about Preschool Sunday School, contact Mike or Joan Darden, or sign up online.
For additional information about Elementary Sunday School, contact Jon & Amy Bepko or sign up online.
For additional information about the Resource Team, contact Cathy Turner.
The nursery is both a service to parents and the initial phase of our Children’s Ministry. As the children grow, we introduce them to foundational truths like “the Bible is true” and “God is good.” We also begin to train them to participate in more formal class structures, with times of singing and short biblical stories.
To get involved, contact Jennifer Stonecipher or sign up online.
Special Needs
We minister to children with special needs during the 9:30 and 11:05 morning worship services and at other special events, providing a flexible, safe, and welcoming environment to share the love of God and the joy of His gospel.
To get involved, contact Sarah Latas.
Youth Leaders
If you're interested in serving in Countryside's youth ministry, you can get started by completing the Partners 1on1 Discipleship program. After you've completed Partners, you can begin the Youth Leader Application.
All volunteers who work with minors must undergo a background check and commit to our child protection policy.
College Leaders
If you're interested in serving in Countryside's college ministry, Roots, you can get started by completing the Partners 1on1 Discipleship program. After you've completed Partners, contact Brandon Ragsdale about the possibility of serving in the college ministry.
Care Ministries
Barnabas Builders
Barnabas Builders is a benevolence ministry for elder-approved projects to help Countrysiders. The projects typically involve home repair, vehicle repair, or different types of light construction. We desire to demonstrate God’s love and give encouragement by meeting both spiritual and physical needs. Volunteers with various skills and tools are needed.
To get involved, contact Gerry Amack.
Baskets of Blessings provides and delivers prepared meals on a short-term basis to Countrysiders whose immediate family members are ill, hospitalized, or home recovering from surgery.
Meals for Moms coordinates meals for Countryside families with new children.
Comfort Care provides a meal for Countrysiders who have a death in the immediate family.
To provide meals for Baskets of Blessings, contact Monica Bailey.
To provide meals for Meals for Moms, contact Kim Brownen.
To provide meals for Comfort Care, contact Kim Ramos.
Mothers of Prodigals Praying (MOPP)
Mothers, are you burdened for your adult children either not walking with Christ or not in Christ? Join with us once a month for prayer, encouragement, hope, and to uphold each other and our children. We meet for a confidential prayer time (not a social gathering) on the first Saturday of each month from 9:00–11:00 am in the Chapel Conference Room.
To get involved, contact Mary Van Hal.
PrayerSHOP is a women’s prayer group devoted to intercession for the CBC leadership. We meet in the South Building on the second Sunday of the month from 4:30–5:30 pm.
To get involved, contact Brenda Hummert.
Shut-In Ministry
This ministry provides care and fellowship to those who have a desire to to worship with us but are unable to do so. We want to extend our love to those who are in need and to help them realize, through regular visits, that they are in our thoughts, prayers, and concerns.
To get involved, contact Steven Nye.
Church Life
AVL Ministry
The AVL Ministry contributes to Countryside’s ministry of the gospel through live audio and video production of our worship services. This benefits our local congregation, and those who worship with us remotely via our live video stream. We have a wide array of service opportunities, and provide training to help volunteers develop and refine their skills.
To get involved, apply online.
Music Ministry
Countryside’s adult choir and orchestra assist in leading worship during our morning worship services, special services, and concerts. It is our desire to provide weekly serving opportunities for those especially gifted musically.
To get involved, contact Sheryl Hansen.
The Countryside bookstore provides biblically sound resources to the congregation. The bookstore is open Sundays before and after services. Bookstore volunteers assist with checkout and inventory.
To get involved, contact Russ Brown.
Campus Care
Campus Care volunteers are essential in maintaining the beauty and cleanliness of our church. Volunteers can serve in a number of ways through our Campus Care through cleaning the Worship Center sanctuary, landscaping on Saturday mornings, or taking part in our Adopt-a-bed landscape program.
To get involved, contact Sonny Florez.
Coffee Crew
The Coffee Crew makes sure there is hot coffee and condiments ready for our Sunday morning ministries. They show up early to brew coffee and then disperse it around campus to our various ministries and Sunday school classes.
To join the Coffee Crew, contact Lance Burroughs.
First Impressions
The First Impressions Ministry exists to serve our visitors and church family before and after our Sunday morning worship services. We have teams of greeters, ushers, parking lot attendants, and those who serve with the Connections Center.
To get involved, sign up online.
Home Fellowships
Home Fellowships are small groups that meet every month in homes across the Dallas-Fort Worth area. These groups provide a wonderful opportunity for the people of Countryside to study God's Word, pray with and for one another, and engage in biblical fellowship. You are welcome to join a group at any time during the year.
If you speak Spanish, and can help translate the study guide, contact Arnold Marquez.
If you would like to volunteer to lead a Home Fellowship or to host a Home Fellowship in your home, please review the qualifications and complete the appropriate form.
Harvest of Roanoke
Each Sunday afternoon, a team of volunteers from Countryside provides a worship service at the Harvest Assisted Living care center. There are opportunities to share the gospel, encourage the residents, and assist with the worship service.
To volunteer to serve at Harvest of Roanoke, you can sign up here.
International Friends at Countryside
IFC provides ESL classes at beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels, as well as citizenship, writing, and pronunciation classes. An elective Bible class is also offered. We meet in the Children’s Building on Thursday mornings during the school year.
Volunteers can help with teaching, childcare, administration, and food prep. Teachers do not need to speak a foreign language, and teacher training is available.
To get involved, contact Barb Packard.
Local Evangelism Outreach
Come join Countrysiders in sharing the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ in Southlake, Grapevine and surrounding areas.
Twice a month on Friday, a group of men and women come together to sing and pray in the North Building at 6:00 pm and then head out to Southlake/Grapevine to evangelize in pairs. A quick debrief at 8:30 pm is followed by an optional fellowship at Chili’s. Register here.
To get involved, contact Vikram Pimplekar.
We take an active role in carrying out Jesus’ Great Commission to take the gospel throughout the world. You can participate in a number of ways, including the prayer teams for our missionaries and short-term mission trips.
Transcription Ministry
As a support ministry for The Word Unleashed®, which features Tom Pennington's pulpit ministry, this group of volunteers transcribes sermons and helps prepare the transcripts for posting online. The skills required for volunteering are attention to detail, typing, and basic language arts: grammar, spelling and punctuation.
To get involved, contact T.J. Welch.