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Partners 1on1 Discipleship

1-on-1 Discipleship

The Partners Program is designed to get you personally connected on a weekly basis with a mature and growing Christian in order to help you advance in your understanding and application of ten biblical themes that are critically important in the Christian life.

  1. Partners Celebration 2024 09 16 1

    Partners 2024 Celebration

     |  Worship Center

    Join us for the Partners 1on1 Discipleship ministry dessert reception. 
    Friday, November 8th
    Program beginning at 6:30 pm in the CBC Worship Center. 
    Dessert reception to follow. 
    Please click the link below to RSVP by October 15th. 

    If you have questions, contact Paul McCollum.

The Partners Study

Partners examines ten important aspects of the Christian life through Bible study and discussion.

  1. Being Sure About Your Relationship With God
  2. Deepening Your Knowledge of God
  3. Learning to Study the Bible On Your Own
  4. Developing an Effective Prayer Life
  5. Living a Life that is Led by the Holy Spirit
  6. The Importance of a Good Local Church
  7. Being Intentional about Biblical Fellowship
  8. Getting Actively Involved in Serving Your Church
  9. Sharing the Gospel with People Who Need It
  10. Striving to be Holy in an Unholy World

Each chapter in the Partners Workbook becomes the basis for your weekly meetings with your chosen or assigned partner, who has already been through the program. The chapters will direct you to read sections of the Bible that relate to that week’s topic and you will be prompted to answer specific questions about the implications and application of those verses. Then, when meeting with your partner, you will discuss the truths you have studied, seek to sharpen your understanding and grow in your devotion to Jesus Christ.

The Partners Dynamic

The dynamic of personally discussing and applying these biblical truths in a one-on-one setting maximizes the opportunity for spiritual growth and accountability. The material is highly adaptable to your current knowledge and experience in the Christian life. Whether you are a new Christian or have been walking with Christ for many years, you will discover that the Partners experience will help you advance to the next level of maturity in your relationship with God.

The context and setting of Partners is also used by God to forge new lasting Christian friendships. Focused times of biblical discussion, prayer and accountability prove to be mutually encouraging, supportive and edifying.

What to Expect

  • 12-15 week commitment
  • 2-3 hours of study per week
  • Weekly 1.5 hour meeting with your partner
  • Honestly identify spiritual weaknesses
  • Learn and apply spiritual disciplines
  1. Partners Registration

    If you have been attending Countryside for at least 3 months, get started in Partners by letting us know a little bit about yourself so that we can find the best partner for you. After you get connected with a partner, you will need to pick up a Partners Workbook. These are available for $9 at the Countryside bookstore or you can purchase the web/app version for $15.

  2. Partners Leader Application

    Once you have finished Partners, you may apply to become a partners leader so that you can lead others through the program.
