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Children's Sunday School

In Children’s Sunday School, preschool and elementary kids are taught an overview of the Bible using the Generations of Grace curriculum. This year, we are teaching Leviticus through Judges. The lessons will focus on God's holiness and grace as well as His faithfulness to the Israelites despite their rebellion. Music and activities reinforce the truth of each week’s lesson. Each week, we work to learn a catechism question and review previous questions throughout the year. Parents are encouraged to discuss what their kids are learning and review catechism questions with their kids at home.

Our Sunday morning schedule is as follows:

8:00am service – Classes for children Kindergarten and under.

9:30am and 11:05am services – Classes for nursery through 5th grade.

Classes for children younger than 2 years are cared for in the Worship Center building. Children 2 years through 5th grade are in the Children’s Building. 


Volunteer Opportunities

  1. Children's Sunday School Volunteers

    We need additional adult volunteers to serve full-time or as substitutes in preschool and elementary classes beginning September 1st. 

    As a Sunday school volunteer you will have many opportunities minister the gospel to kids and model the love of Christ. Our goal is to glorify God by putting Christ on display in each and every activity and lesson. We would love to have your help!

Planning your first visit?

When you arrive on Sunday, visit the Welcome Center in the Children's Building lobby. Volunteers will be happy to assist you with check-in and locating your child's classroom. If you'd like to save a few minutes, you can pre-fill and print a family registration card at home.

Family Registration Form

Sunday School Lessons and Catechism

    • God Punishes Judah
    • 2025-02-02
    • 2 Kings 21:1-18; 24:1-25:30
    • We should fear the Lord, who hates and punishes all sin.

    Did Manasseh follow his father’s (Hezekiah’s) example of trusting and obeying God?
    Did he lead the people well?  What did the people do while he was king?
    What did God do because of Manasseh’s wickedness and Judah’s sin?
    How does the gospel give you hope even though you deserve God’s punishment for your sin?

    • How did God punish Adam's disobedience?
    • Adam's punishment was death and separation from God.
    • God Shows Mercy to Jonah and Nineveh
    • 2025-02-09
    • Jonah 1-4
    • We should rejoice that God is gracious, freely giving what we do not deserve.

    How did Jonah end up in the belly of the fish?  What did Jonah do while there?
    How did the people of Nineveh respond to Jonah’s preaching?
    How was God gracious toward Jonah?  Toward Nineveh?
    How is God gracious toward you?

    • What is sin?
    • Sin is disobedience against God's perfect law by failing to do what God commands or doing what God forbids.
    • Review
    • 2025-02-16
    • 1 & 2 Kings, Jonah
    • God is a gracious Savior, but He is also just and must punish sin.

    Who are some of the main characters in these books?
    What do we learn from their lives?
    What do we learn about God in these books?
    How do you see God as both a gracious Savior and one who punishes sin?

    • What happened to Adam and Eve when they sinned?
    • Instead of being holy and happy, they became sinful and miserable.
    • A Mission for the Ages
    • 2025-02-23
    • Matthew 28
    • The King of heaven and earth calls His followers to make disciples of all nations.

    What was the last thing Jesus said to His disciples before He went back to heaven?
    Do you think it is easy to go and make disciples of all nations?
    To give His disciples confidence as they obey His command, what did Jesus say He had been given? And Who did Jesus say would be with them always?
    Was it just the first disciples that were to go and make disciples of all nations? What is the mission of the church (you and me) today?
