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Womens Ministry Header 2023 01


The Women's Ministry seeks to equip the women of Countryside Bible Church to live holy lives for the glory of God according to His Word through teaching, worship, prayer, relationships, discipleship, service, and evangelism. We hold monthly small group gatherings, as well as special events throughout the year.

We would love all ladies who regularly attend Countryside Bible Church to connect with us through the Countryside Bible Church Women Facebook group. The purpose of this group is to provide a means for communication, to encourage each other as women at Countryside, and to strengthen relationships within our church body.


  1. Titus2 08 2023

    Titus 2 Bible Study

    Titus 2 Bible Study combines the study of God's Word and the intimacy of fellowship, prayer, and encouragement. We meet once per month as a large group for lesson time in the Chapel, and small groups meet the first week of each month at the church or homes throughout the area. Titus 2 small groups are for ladies college age and older. This year our study will be Twelve Extraordinary Women by John MacArthur. The book and the workbook are available now in the church bookstore. 

    If you have questions, contact Vikki Burbridge.

  2. Canva Design 1

    Women's Spring Fellowship

     |  Chapel

    All ladies middle school and older are welcome to join us for an evening together of food, fellowship, and worship. We will also be encouraged by a devotional from Diane Turnbull. 

    Registration will close on March 2nd or when seating is full. 

    If you are interested in volunteering to help click here to sign up. 


    Cost: $10

    If you have questions, contact

  3. Womens ministry remind

    Women's Remind

    Sign up to receive occasional text updates and announcements about the Women’s Ministry. This has proven to be an efficient way to communicate. To sign up text "@women-cbc" to "81010". *You DO NOT need to download an app to join

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