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July 2025

Today iCal Feed
Sun, Jun 29
Morning Worship Service
Worship Center
Morning Worship Service
Worship Center
Morning Worship Service
Worship Center
Evening Worship Service
Worship Center
New Member Reception
Mon, Jun 30
VBS Workday
Children's Building
Tue, Jul 1
VBS Workday (with babysitting)
Children's Building
VBS Workday (with babysitting)
Children's Building
Wed, Jul 2
VBS Workday
Children's Building
Bible study and fellowship for career singles.
Cross Culture
Cross Training
MS100 - Middle School
Bible study and fellowship for middle school students in grades 6-8.
RH100 - Roots Hall
Bible study and fellowship for college students.
Thu, Jul 3
VBS Workday (with babysitting)
Children's Building
VBS Workday - Evening
Children's Building
Adult Choir Rehearsal
Choir Rehearsal Room
Elder Meeting
Fri, Jul 4
Church Campus Closed
Independence Day
Sat, Jul 5
CH Conference Room
MOPP - Mothers of Prodigals Praying. Mothers, are you burdened for your adult children either not walking with Christ or not in Christ? Join with us once a month for prayer, encouragement, hope, and to uphold each other and our children.
Sun, Jul 6
Morning Worship Service
Worship Center
Morning Worship Service
Worship Center
Morning Worship Service
Worship Center
VBS Volunteers' Meeting & Lunch
Baptism Service
Worship Center
Mon, Jul 7
VBS Workday
Children's Building
Tue, Jul 8
VBS Workday
Children's Building
Women's Summer Gatherings
All ladies, college age and older, are invited to take part in an opportunity to gather in area homes for an informal time of fellowship to get to know one another.
Wed, Jul 9
VBS Workday (with babysitting)
Children's Building
Bible study and fellowship for career singles.
Cross Culture
Cross Training
MS100 - Middle School
Bible study and fellowship for middle school students in grades 6-8.
RH100 - Roots Hall
Bible study and fellowship for college students.
Thu, Jul 10
Mexico Pastors' Conference
VBS Workday (with babysitting)
Children's Building
VBS Workday (with babysitting)
Children's Building
VBS Workday - Evening
Children's Building
Adult Choir Rehearsal
Choir Rehearsal Room
Fri, Jul 11
Mexico Pastors' Conference
Kids' Playdate
Join us this summer on Friday mornings at 9:30 am for a great time of unstructured play in the Gym and Jungle Gym. All kids elementary age and younger are invited. All children must be accompanied by a parent.If you have questions, contact Lauren Dunfee.
VBS Workday
Children's Building
Local Evangelism Outreach
North Building
Meet in the North Building to sing and pray, prior to heading out to Southlake/Grapevine to evangelize in pairs. To get involved, contact Vikram Pimplekar.
Roots Pool Party
TBD (Countryside Bible Church)
Sat, Jul 12
Mexico Pastors' Conference
Women's Summer Gatherings
All ladies, college age and older, are invited to take part in an opportunity to gather in area homes for an informal time of fellowship to get to know one another.
Sun, Jul 13
Morning Worship Service
Worship Center
Morning Worship Service
Worship Center
Morning Worship Service
Worship Center
Canceled - PrayerSHOP
Canceled - Evening Worship Service
Mon, Jul 14
Cross Training Summer Camp
Student Center
Children's Building
Tue, Jul 15
Cross Training Summer Camp
Student Center
Children's Building
Wed, Jul 16
Cross Training Summer Camp
Student Center
Children's Building
On Campus Mid-Week Ministries Canceled
Roots - Small Group Night
Off campus meetings
Bible study and fellowship for college students.
Thu, Jul 17
Cross Training Summer Camp
Student Center
Children's Building
Adult Choir Rehearsal
Choir Rehearsal Room
Elder Meeting
Fri, Jul 18
Cross Training Summer Camp
Student Center
Children's Building
Local Evangelism Outreach
Countryside Bible Church
Meet in the Southlake/Grapevine area to evangelize in pairs. To get involved, contact Vikram Pimplekar.
VBS Parents' Night
Worship Center
Sat, Jul 19
Sun, Jul 20
Morning Worship Service - Communion
Worship Center
Morning Worship Service - Communion
Worship Center
Morning Worship Service - Communion
Worship Center
Baptism Service
Worship Center
Mon, Jul 21
Tue, Jul 22
PrayerSHOP: Prayer and Potluck
Fellowship Hall
Women's prayer group devoted to intercession.For Such a Man as This: Join us for a special prayer time of praying for a man in our life.Contact: Brenda Hummert
Wed, Jul 23
Bible study and fellowship for career singles.
Cross Culture
Cross Training
MS100 - Middle School
Bible study and fellowship for middle school students in grades 6-8.
RH100 - Roots Hall
Bible study and fellowship for college students.
Thu, Jul 24
Roots Summer Retreat
Adult Choir Rehearsal
Choir Rehearsal Room
Fri, Jul 25
Roots Summer Retreat
Kids' Playdate
Join us this summer on Friday mornings at 9:30 am for a great time of unstructured play in the Gym and Jungle Gym. All kids elementary age and younger are invited. All children must be accompanied by a parent.If you have questions, contact Lauren Dunfee.
Sat, Jul 26
Roots Summer Retreat
Sun, Jul 27
Roots Summer Retreat
Morning Worship Service
Worship Center
Morning Worship Service
Worship Center
Morning Worship Service
Worship Center
Evening Worship Service
Worship Center
Countryside Connection
Fellowship Hall
New to Countryside? Join us for a brief, informal visit, so you can get to know some of our leadership and learn more about the ministries and activities of the church.
Mon, Jul 28
Tue, Jul 29
Kids' Basketball Camp
Wed, Jul 30
Kids' Basketball Camp
Bible study and fellowship for career singles.
Cross Culture
Cross Training
MS100 - Middle School
Bible study and fellowship for middle school students in grades 6-8.
RH100 - Roots Hall
Bible study and fellowship for college students.
Thu, Jul 31
Kids' Basketball Camp
Adult Choir Rehearsal
Choir Rehearsal Room
Fri, Aug 1
Cross Culture Summer Excursion
Ministry Fair Set Up
Canceled - Kids' Playdate
Local Evangelism Outreach
North Building
Meet in the North Building to sing and pray, prior to heading out to Southlake/Grapevine to evangelize in pairs. To get involved, contact Vikram Pimplekar.
Sat, Aug 2
Cross Culture Summer Excursion
Ministry Fair Set Up