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First Impressions

The First Impressions Ministry exists to serve our visitors and church family before and after our Sunday morning worship services. We have teams of greeters, ushers, parking lot attendants, and those who serve with the Connections Center.

Parking Lot

The Parking Lot Ministry exists to serve our church family and our guests as they move through the parking areas. Volunteers direct traffic, welcome visitors, give directions and assist as needed.

For more information, contact Dean Latas. To get involved, sign up online.


Each Sunday, greeters warmly welcome people outside the Worship Center doors, and give directions and assistance as needed.

We also provide a free valet parking service for those with mobility restrictions (permit required, no tips please). Volunteers greet participants at the carport, accompany them inside, and seat them in the Worship Center.

For more information, contact Tim Toriz. To get involved, sign up online.

Connections Center

The Connections Center in the Worship Center Lobby is a resource for our church family and visitors. Volunteers provide information about the ministries of Countryside and help visitors find nursery, children’s, and adult classes. First-time guests are given a Bible as a gift, along with information about the church.

For more information, contact Paul Mercier.


Ushers make sure that people move easily in and out of the Worship Center. Ushers welcome people as they enter the Worship Center, distribute bulletins, and help seat those who are having difficulty finding a place, along with other logistical responsibilities.

For more information, contact Tom Briere. To get involved, sign up online.
